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A volunteer pilot who flies for our sister organization, Wings of Mercy West Michigan, was recently profiled on a local news segment. See it on UpNorthLive.
Recipient Joan Helminiak, and
her husband, flanked by Pilots Kevin Gilbert and Elliott Zeltzer
Wings of Mercy, East Michigan literally flew past a milestone last week. The all-volunteer pilot organization which flies needy medical patients to distant medical facilities logged its millionth mile of service to the people of East Michigan. Pilots Elliott Zeltzer and Kevin Gilbert flew Bay City resident Joan Helminiak to Mayo Clinic from MBS International for treatment, on the way crossing the million mile threshold. It was the 1535th flight for the organization.
Since its founding in 1996, more than 260 Wings of Mercy,
East Michigan volunteer pilots have flown over 240 medical patients
using, more than 100 different aircraft.
Wings of Mercy, East Michigan is an all volunteer Section
501(c) (3) charity serving all of Eastern Michigan.
More information can be found at or by
calling toll free (877) 32-MERCY, (877) 326-3729.
On a lovely early August evening, free from the rain storms
and high winds which had plagued the area in recent days, the Bay
City based cruise boat
Princess Wenona hosted a near capacity crowd for an excursion
down the Saginaw River and into Saginaw Bay, all to benefit Wings of
Mercy, East Michigan.
Those aboard enjoyed rousing music, good food and a narrated
history of Bay City nautical landmarks, sponsored by the Bay City
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 1010.
Dave Osbourn, one of the organizers, said that Wings of Mercy is one
of the Eagle’s favorite benefit charities, but that he was unsure of
the attendance, especially in light of the recent weather.
The response, he said, was most heartening, and the Aerie was
pleased to turn over the entire proceeds of the event to Wings of
Mercy, East Michigan.
In accepting the donation, Wings of Mercy, East Michigan Secretary
Charles Binder said this generosity would allow transport of a
goodly number of patients to facilities like Mayo Clinic or
Cleveland Clinic. Wings
President Cody Welch personally thanked the Eagles Board of
Directors for their successful efforts.
Since its founding in 1996, more than 260 Wings of Mercy, East
Michigan volunteer pilots have flown over 240 medical patients
using, more than 100 different aircraft.
Wings of Mercy, East Michigan is an all-volunteer Section
501(c) (3) charity serving all of Eastern Michigan.
More information can be found at or by
calling toll free (877) 32-MERCY, (877) 326-3729.
Wings of Mercy East Michigan's First Jet Mission
Sunday, November 8, 2009
November 8th was an historic day for the East Michigan Chapter of Wings of Mercy. Pilot Richard Heinrich and Second Pilot Blair McKendrick flew Janet and her Husband to Rochester, MN's Mayo Clinic in an EC-25 Eclipse Very Light Jet. This marked the first use a jet aircraft by our Chapter.

Video Reports from abc12, Flint, MI
Wings of Mercy Golf Outing (2009)
Video Report from WEYI-TV 25, Flint, MI
Wings of Mercy West Michigan Video
Our partner organization Wings of Mercy West Michigan produced this short video in which numerous patients thank the organization.
Mission Pictures
Print Media Articles
A slide show of our news clippings is below. Click on the viewing window to see the clippings. Pause the slideshow to read an article, or select the link to a specific featured "Top Story" article from the listings below the slideshow.
Top Stories
- Bay City Times
- Bob Munley: Man of Distinction
Distinguished Volunteer award from the National Aeronautic Association and the Air Care Alliance (September 11, 2009)
Page 1 - Wings of Mercy East Michigan's 1,000th
(Thursday, December 27, 2007)
Learn more about the background of our 1,000th mission!
Page 1
- Missions of Mercy (general interest
story, 2004)
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
- Bob Munley: Man of Distinction
- Midland Daily News
- General Interest
Story 1: Page 1, Page 2 (Tuesday, June 4, 2002)
Store 2: Page 1 (August, 2005)
- Gladwin Record & Clarion
- General interest (Wednesday, December 10,
Page 1
- General interest (Wednesday, December 10,
- Tuscola County Advertiser
- Campbell's Commentary: "What exactly is
'Wings of Mercy'"
(Saturday, May 22, 2004)
Page 1
- Campbell's Commentary: "What exactly is
'Wings of Mercy'"
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