Becoming a Volunteer Pilot
a volunteer pilot for Wings of Mercy East Michigan is a rewarding
opportunity for experienced and professional pilots. We are always
looking for a few good pilots to support our missions of mercy.
Wings of Mercy missions are flown by volunteer pilots. Owners and/or operators make their aircraft available to Wings of Mercy on an as-available basis. Expenses related to Wings of Mercy missions incurred by the aircraft owner and/or operator are tax-deductible.
The services of pilots and aircraft are provided at no cost to the recipient and solely as a public service intended to enhance the good and welfare of the community.
Safety is paramount for Wings of Mercy flights.
Pilot In Command / Second Pilot Requirements
Pilots flying Wings of Mercy missions are subject to FAR Part 91, and shall have:
- A valid pilot certificate
- Current medical certificate (including the Alternate Third Class Medical--BasicMed) appropriate to the class of pilot certificate, and
- Recency of experience for the pilot classification listed below
All Pilots must be approved by the Safety Officer or designee prior to being assigned to a Wings of Mercy mission.
Pilot In Command (PIC) Qualifications
- Instrument Rated Private Pilot or higher
- 600 hours total time minimum
- 100 hours instrument time minimum
- 50 hours in type minimum
- 25 hours night minimum
- The ratings and endorsements for the flight and aircraft flown
- Approved by Wings of Mercy Safety Officer or Designee
Second Pilot (Co-Pilot) Qualifications
- Instrument Rated Private Pilot or higher
- 300 hours total time minimum
- 50 hours instrument time minimum
- The ratings and endorsements for the flight and aircraft flown
- Approved by Wings of Mercy Safety Officer or Designee
- Approved by Pilot in Command
Other Wings of Mercy Flight Policies
- Two pilots are required on ALL Wings of Mercy flights
- Single engine piston aircraft are prohibited from flying at night or over larger bodies of water while carrying recipients
Prior to a flight, each crewmember certifies that he/she has:
1) Annual Flight Review in accordance with FAR 61.56, 2) Annual Instrument Proficiency Check in accordance with FAR 61.57, 3) Minimum three takeoffs and landings within the proceeding 90 days during the day or night, as applicable to the flight. (FAR 61.57(a) & (b)), 4) Third Class Medical Certificate or higher, 5) Completion of the AOPA Public Flying Benefit course ( ), 6) Familiarity with the WOM-EAST Flight Operations Guidelines, and 7) Familiarity with the the WOM-EAST "Crew Resource & Threat and Error Management Principles" document,
Apply Now
To become a Wings of Mercy East Michigan Pilot in Command or Second Pilot, or to donate the use of your aircraft, please complete and submit both the following forms:
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Mr. Jason Morford
Flight Safety Officer
Wings of Mercy East Michigan
PO Box 124
Corunna, MI 48817
Voice: (810) 444-3458